Our Florida Scenic Highways Program Statewide Meeting is on March 29.
Please register for this free meeting if you would like to attend, in order that we may have a head count for lunch.
This year, our statewide meeting is part of a larger “Building Better Byways” conference in St. Augustine along the A1A Scenic & Historic Coastal Byway, our second All-American Road. The FSHP Statewide Meeting and subsequent training opportunities with the National Scenic Byway Foundation (NSBF) will be held at the Guy Harvey Resort.
This is the link to learn in more detail about all related activities connected to the conference from March 28 – April 2, 2022: bit.ly/FSHP-NSBFConference2022
General Overview of Activities for the Conference
(see bit.ly/FSHP-NSBFConference2022 for details)
Monday, March 28, 5 – 7 PM: Welcome Reception for attendees of the FSHP Statewide Meeting and NSBF training
Tuesday March 29, 8 AM – 5 PM - Florida Scenic Highways Program (FSHP) Statewide Meeting
This event is free, but pre-registration is requested for lunch count and planning. This is the annual FSHP Statewide Meeting, with FDOT, FSHP, DSHC, SHAC, and byway organization leaders in attendance.
Learn more (tentative meeting agenda): FSHP Statewide Meeting
Tuesday, March 29, 6 PM: Official Ribbon Cutting for the A1A Scenic & Historic Coastal Byway All-American Road Dedication ceremony and mixer at the Bridge of Lions. Open to the public. Conference attendees may ride free shuttles from the resort to and from the ribbon-cutting.
March 30 - 31 – The National Scenic Byway Foundation Training
NSBF will provide two days of Byway Leadership Training (BLT), led by Christopher M. Sieverdes, Ph.D., NSBF President, Sharon Strouse, MS, NSBF Executive Director and Janice Gammon, MS, NSBF Secretary-Treasurer, focusing on the byway community and associated partner industries with NSBF Certification upon completion.
NSBF Certification is $95, covering both days and includes your breakfast, lunch, training materials and certification. Sessions are free for drop-ins, but no meals or materials will be provided in that case.
Wednesday, March 30, Lunch & Learn Speaker – Florida author Tim Baker. Tourism and Byway professionals will learn how to collaborate with local authors and filmmakers to showcase your community and create memorable experiences for your byway visitors.
Wednesday, March 30, 5 – 9 PM: Complimentary shuttle buses will take conference attendees from the resort to Downtown St. Augustine for music at The Colonial Oak Music Park. Dinner for purchase at one of three restaurants.
Thursday, March 31, 6 – 9 PM: Dinner & Movie Night – The film Freedom on Our Mind follows a group of film students who discover the connections between their own lives and the struggle for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, while finishing their film project in St. Augustine. The movie closes with a live Q&A with producers, director and cast members. Open to the public. Dinner for purchase at the Guy Harvey Resort.
Friday April 1 - Field trip day along the A1A Scenic & Historic Coastal Byway
This activity is reserved for registered NSBF Byway Leadership Training (BLT) attendees with a limited number of educational field experiences.
Learn more: bit.ly/FSHP-NSBFConference2022
Saturday April 2 - 10th Annual Spoonbills & Sprockets Cycling Tour Along A1A
Register at www.spoonbillsandsprockets.com.
Use code CONFERENCE to receive $20 off your registration for this iconic annual event on A1A Scenic & Historic Coastal Byway.
Updated Agendas for the Statewide Meeting and Byway Leader Training:
FSHP Annual Meeting Agenda