What is the Florida Scenic Highways Program?
The Florida Scenic Highways Program was established to showcase the outstanding intrinsic resources (cultural, historic, archaeological, recreational, natural and scenic) that can be found along Florida’s highway system.
Our byway collection includes 27 state designated scenic highways. Of these, six are further designated at a federal level as National Scenic Byways, and the Florida Keys Scenic Highway and A1A Scenic & Historic Coastal Byway are designated as All-American Roads.
The program is a grass-roots effort to heighten awareness of these resources which enhance the overall traveling experience in Florida. Program participation provides benefits to each byway’s region, including resource preservation, enhancement and economic development.
Anyone with an interest in their community can participate in this program, including citizens, civic groups, businesses and governments. To learn about becoming a byway, benefits, intrinsic resources, and much more, explore FSHP Community/Becoming a Byway on this site.
Help Florida communities deliver high-quality experiences to visitors.
The Florida Scenic Highways Program promotes economic development, enhances quality of life, and conserves important resources.
Media Kit
Here are some downloadable materials about the Florida Scenic Highway Program.
These logos are intended for use by associated organizations, byway organizations, or media writing about the program. If you are not a byway organization or “Associated Florida Resource” on our page, please contact us to let us know you want to connect, and if you are doing a piece on us, we will look into promoting it on our blog! Using the logo in any other way is not permitted.
These logos are meant to be used by people who want to share a link to the Florida Scenic Highways program on their website.
To view or download all versions of our rack card, visit our Document Library and click “Graphical Promotions.”
Annual reports can help anyone looking for more information about recent developments at FSHP. Please follow our Byway Buzz online blog for ongoing updates about the program. Previous Annual Reports can be found in our Document Library.
Below is a link for the Florida Scenic Highways Program 2024 Calendar. Previous Calendars can be found in our Document Library.
The FSHP (Florida Scenic Highways) Map Brochure provides an overview of the 27 byway locations in Florida, highlighting the 6 National Scenic Byways and 2 All-American Roads. The print version is available at select visitor centers in Florida. The map shows other major roadways and towns to clarify the context of byway regions.
To check the mileage from a byway gateway (sites or small towns at the end points of byway are used as navigation points) use our online interactive map.
The map uses the preferred mapping tool on your computer or device to calculate distance to any given byway point from any address you enter.
There is a button to zoom in to the extents of each byway. If you zoom in, then click on any end point, a pop-up box will provide a link to “directions“. This link will open mapping on your device with the byway site coordinates entered, and ready for you to navigate from any address you enter!
Visit the Photo and Video galleries for a stunning overview of the byway collection. Downloading photos from this site is not permitted, as the rights to all photos revert to the photographers. In the case of Visit Florida images, the photos are strictly for editorial use on this site, and re-using them for any purpose is forbidden. Other photos may be made available at request for promotional uses. Please do not assume and re-use any photos on the site without permission.
Feel free to share any video link on this site for the purpose of promoting the byways. Explore individual byway sites if they have a video on their FSHP page, because some byways have YouTube galleries.
Contact Us
The Florida Scenic Highways Program would love to hear from you! Let us know if you have questions, comments, or suggestions using the provided contact form. To report technical issues with the website, use the form, or call the FDOT help desk at 1-866-955-4357.
If you are part of a byway organization, please see our FSHP Program Contacts to select the best person to advise you on guidance for program administration issues or questions.