Program Process
The Florida Scenic Highways Program (FSHP) is designed as a grass-roots effort to heighten awareness of our State’s intrinsic resources that present cultural, historic, archaeological, recreational, natural and scenic qualities that collectively enhance the overall traveling experience. Program participation provides subsequent benefits to surrounding communities that include resource preservation, enhancement and protection, as well as positive economic impact.
The FSHP is comprised of two phases: Eligibility and Implementation.
Eligibility Phase: During this first phase, a Byway Organization of volunteers is formed to develop and deliver the following:
- A Letter of Intent to the appropriate Florida Department of Transportation District Office(s);
- The Byway Story, Byway Inventory, and Documentation of Community Commitment;
- A Byway Management Plan and Year-One Work Plan.
Upon the review and acceptance of the above materials by the State and District Coordinators and Scenic Highway Advisory Committee (SHAC), the candidate corridor will be recommended to the Florida Department of Transportation Secretary for designation as a Florida Scenic Highway.
Implementation Phase:Upon written notice of designation approval from the Secretary, the Byway Organization enters the Implementation Phase, which lasts for the duration of the designation. The Byway Organization is then responsible for meeting the Implementation Phase requirements of the FSHP in perpetuity in order to maintain the designation. The requirements are as follows:
- Implementing the Byway Management Plan and updating as necessary;
- Developing, implementing, and keeping current an Annual Work Plan;
- Providing a Byway Annual Report to the FSHP.
Guidance on the Process
The FSHP State and District Coordinators are here to help you. Anyone interested in forming a Byway Organization to seek designation of a new scenic highway, or a Byway Organization seeking an extension to an existing designation, should contact the appropriate Coordinator(s) to receive information for assistance. This contact information can be found in the FSHP Program Contacts page or can be requested via e-mail at